15th ISODARCO Winter Course on:
"South-Eastern Europe: Internal Dynamics and External Intervention"

20 - 27 January, 2002

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf
Directors of the Course: Paolo Calzini, David Carlton, George Joffé, Giancarlo Tenaglia

Andalo 2002 Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers


Monday, 21 January 2002

09:00-10:30 SESSION 1      Chair:  Carlo Schaerf

  George Joffé (British)
Crises in South-Eastern Europe from the Fourteenth Century to 1990

16:30-18:00 SESSION 2      Chair:  Giancarlo Tenaglia

  François Rigaux (Belgian)
"Humanitarian" Intervention: the Near East from Gladstone to Rambouillet

18:00-18:15 Break

18:15-19:45 SESSION 3      Chair:  Anne-Marie Dupré

  Paolo Calzini (Italian)
Sovereignty, Self-Determination and Intervention

Tuesday, 22 January 2002

09:00-10:30 SESSION 1      Chair:  Mirco Elena

  David Carlton (British)
Challenges to Westphalia: French Revolution to Kosovo

16:30-18:00 SESSION 2      Chair:  Paolo Calzini

Nadia Arbatova (Russian)
Crises in the Balkans: from 1990 to Dayton

18:00-18:15 Break

18:15-19:45 SESSION 3      Chair:  Saiful Islam

  François Rigaux (Belgian)
  State Building and Yugoslavia from Versailles to Tito

21.00  Party

Wednesday,  23 January 2002

09:00-10:30 SESSION 1      Chair:  Gert Harigel

  Jack Segal (US)
Principles of Military Intervention in the Balkans and Beyond ? a Practitioner’s Perspective

16:30-18:15 SESSION 2      Chair:  Francesco Calogero

  Round Table Discussion: The Impact of 11 September 2001

Nadia Arbatova (Russian) Impact of September 11 on Russian-Western Relations: US Policy and European Integration (45 minutes)
  David Carlton (British) Are Terrorists Never Good Guys? (20 minutes)
George Joffé (British) The Impact of 11 September 2001 on South-Eastern Europe (20 minutes)
Carlo Schaerf (Italian) Terrorism: A Quantitative Evaluation (20 minutes)

18.15-18.30 Break

18:30-19:45 SESSION 3      Chair:  Francesco Calogero

Continuation of Round Table Discussion

Thursday, 24 January 2002

09:00-10:30 SESSION 1      Chair:  Susie Shu Yuan Hsieh

  Anne-Marie Dupré (Italian)
  The Humanitarian and Political Role of NGOs in Conflict Areas

16:30-18:00 SESSION 2      Chair:  Rita Rogers

  Mark P. Almond (British)
Albanian Nationalism(S) in the Context of the Balkan and General Post-Communist Crises

18:00-18:15 Break

18.15-19.45 SESSION 3      Chair:  Frederic Labarre

  Hanns-D. Jacobsen (German)
  The Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe

Friday, 25 January 2002

09:00-10:30 SESSION 1      Chair:  Sandra Butcher

  Vladimir Bilandzic (Yugoslav)
  The Situation in South-Eastern Europe: A View from Belgrade?

16:30-18:00 SESSION 2      Chair:  Hanns-D. Jacobsen

  Elizabeth Roberts (Irish)
  Further Unravelling? The Montenegrin Conundrum

18:00-18:15 Break

18:15-19:45 SESSION 3      Chair:  Jun Wu

Mark P. Almond (British), Vladimir Bilandzic (Yugoslav), George Joffé (British)
  Surrounding Areas: Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria

Saturday, 26 January 2002

09:00-10:30 SESSION 1       Chair:  George Joffé

Mark P. Almond (British)
  The Outlook for Croatia and for Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina

16:30-18:00 SESSION 2       Chair:  David Carlton

  Round Table Discussion: Summing Up

1) Francesco Calogero (Italian )
Reflections on 11 September 2001 with Particular Reference to the Possibility of Nuclear Terrorism
(15 minutes)

2) Elizabeth Roberts (Irish)
Some Thoughts on Non-State Actors and NGOs in South-Eastern Europe (15 minutes)

3)  Hanns-D. Jacobsen (German)
  The Economic Outlook for South-Eastern Europe (15 minutes)

18:00-18:15 Break

18:15-19:45 SESSION 3       Chair:  David Carlton

  Continuation of Round Table Discussion

4) Mark P. Almond (British)
  Some "Hot Spots" in South-Eastern Europe in the Coming Decade (15 minutes)

5) George Joffé (British)
  Multiculturalism with Particular Reference to South-Eastern Europe (15 minutes)

6)Paolo Calzini (Italian)
  "Humanitarian" Intervention (15 minutes)