16th ISODARCO Winter Course on:
"The Surge in NonState Violence: Roots, Impacts and Countermeasures"

9 - 16 February, 2003

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf
Directors of the Course: Ruth Adams and Giancarlo Tenaglia

Andalo 2003 Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers


ADAMS Ruth, US. University of California at San Diego, 9753 Keeneland Row, La Jolla, California 92037, USA
E-mail: adams@igc.org

ARBATOVA Nadia, Russian. Head of the Department on European Political Studies, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Office: Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, 23 Profsoyznaya str., Moscow 117418, Russia. Tel.: +7 095 128 3714, Fax:+7 095 310 7027,
E-mail: arbatova@hotmail.com

ATTARDO Antonella, Italian. Giudecca 901 30100 Venezia Tel.: +30347 7394036 or +39 329 953 6388 or Venice International University Isola di San servolo 30100 Venezia Tel.: +39 041 2719 511
E-mail: anto67giu95@yahoo.com or antonella@viu1.viu.unive.it

AUST Bjorn, German. Arbeitsstelle Transatlantische Aussen und Sicherheitspolitik Fachbereich Politik un Sozialwissenschaften Freie Universitat Berlin Ihnestrasse 21 D-14195 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 83856545
E-mail: bja@zedat.fu-berlin.de

BADA Myonnie, USA. 4708 Rosedale Ave. Bethesda MD 20814 USA Tel.: +1 301 915 0212
E-mail: myonnie@hotmail.com

BEHRMANN Joern, German. Starnbergen Wiese 62 82319 Starnberg Tel/Fax +49 (0) 815113446
E-mail: joernbehrmann@aol.com

BOGDANIC Luka, Croatian.  Home: Viale Angelico 269, 00195 Roma. Tel.: +39 06 37515802. Croatia: Rockefellerova 45, 10000 Zagreb. Tel.: +385 1 4683122,
E-mail: bogdanic@tiscalinet.it

BURCOVSCHI Natalia, Moldovian. Str. Independentei no. 50, apt.10 City Chishinau 2072 Republic of Moldova Tel.: +373 2 562045
E-mail: natab@mail.md

BUTCHER Martin, UK. Director of Security Programs PSR ? Physicians for Social Responsibility, 1875 Connecticut Ave.NW n. 1012, Washington DC 20009, Usa. Tel. +1 202 6674260, 202 6674201,
E-mail: mbutcher@psr.org

BUTCHER Sandra Ionno, US. Consultant 2162 Evans Ct. #204 Falls Church VA 22043
E-mail: sibutcher@cs.com

CALOGERO Francesco, Italian. Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
E-mail: francesco.calogero@uniroma1.it or francesco.calogero@roma1.infn.it

CALZINI Paolo, Italian. Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali, Università di Milano.
Office: University of Milan, Via Conservatorio 7, 20122 Milano. Mobile: 338 5080422 Fax: +39 02 796146
E-mail: paolo.calzini@unimi.it

CANDIAN Irene, Italian. Via dell' Eremo 140/3  34142 Trieste Tel.Fax: 040 393267
E-mail: irenecand@hotmail.com or ACCOA via Morelli 39 34170 Gorizia Tel. 0481 550118 Fax 0481 549768
E-mail: info@accoaitalia.org

CARLTON Dr David, UK.  Senior Lecturer in International Studies University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 1303 243 414
E-mail: d.carlton@btconnect.com

DARWISH Yaser, Palestinian. Birzeit University PO Box 14 Public Relations Department Birzeit Palestine Tel.: +972 2 2982059 Fax:+972 2 2810656
E-mail: photoman@birzeit.edu or bzu-pr@birzeit.edu

DE ANDREIS Marco, Italian. Link Campus University of Malta via Nomentana 335 00162 Roma Tel.+39 06 85370911

DIANO Carlo, Canadian/Italian. Via Tiburtina 654, 00159 Rome Tel. 340 4167523
E-mail: dianocarlo@hotmail.com

DIETZ Regine, German. Lausitzer Strasse 40 Berlin Germany 10999 Tel.: 030 69567729
E-mail: dietz.regine@web.de

DONZE Geralyn, US. 224 Tyler Ct. c/o Rutherford College University of Kent Canterbury Kent CT2 7NX Tel: +44 0781 7944790

DZABIROVA Ljubica, Macedonian.  St. Drezdenska no.36  1000 Skopje R. Macedonia Tel.+389 2 366 770 Mobile: +389 70 573 288
E-mail: bubac10@hotmail.com

EHLERS Jan, German. 3 Rue des Penates CH-1203 Geneva Switzerland or Schulkoppel 26b D-23689 Pansdorf Germany Tel.: +41 79 6116182
E-mail: Jan.Ehlers@cern.ch

ELENA Mirco, Italian. ITC U.S. Croce 77, 38100 Trento Tel: +39 0461 210208
E-mail: elena@science.unitn.it  or elena@itc.it

FERNEA Elisabeth, US. 3003 Bowman Ave. Austin Tx 78703 USA

FERNEA Robert A., US. 3003 Bowman Ave. Austin Tx 78703 USA
E-mail: fernea@mail.utexas.edu

FINOCCHI Fabio, Italian. Group de Physique des Solides Universite' Paris 6 and CNRS (France)

FLORE Massimo, Italian. Via Raimondo Scintu 72 00173 Roma Tel.: +39 06 7213332 Mobile: 333 1159868
E-mail: m.flore@virgilio.it

FRANCHOO Serge, Belgian. EP Division CERN CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 767 1745 Fax: +41 22 767 8990
E-mail: serge.franchoo@cern.ch

HARIGEL Gert, German. CH-1208 Geneva, 42, Chemin de la Chevillarde, Switzerland Tel/Fax: +41 22 73 66 988
E-mail: Gert.Harigel@CERN.CH

HILBRINK Coen, Dutch. Daminklaam 8 7573 CR Oldenzaal The Netherlands Tel.: +31 541516564
E-mail: coenhilb@introweb.nl

HOLLAND Matthew, US. Via della Lungara 233, Box 311 00165 Rome Tel.: 349 827867
E-mail: mhollan1@tulane.edu

HSIEH SHU YUAN Susie, US/Taiwanese. 511 Hahaione St., 6E, Honolulu, HI 96825, USA Tel/Fax: +808 396 4446
E-mail: shuyhsieh@earthlink.net

INGRAM Paul Martin, UK. British American Security Information Council 11-13 Leathmarket Street London SE1 3HN Tel.: +44 20 7407 2977 Fax: +44 20 7407 2988
E-mail: pingram@basicint.org or mail@paulingram.org.uk

ISKAKOVA Erika, Kyrgyz. Graduate School of Social Sciences Postfach 33 04 40 Wiener Strasse/Ecke Celsiusstr./FVG-West 28334 Bremen Germany Tel.: +49 421 218 4147 Fax: +49 421 218 4153
E-mail: Erica_Marat@yahoo.com

JALBA Marcela, Moldovian. Str. Rosiori 20 mun. Chisinau MD-2008 Republic of Moldova Tel.: +373 2 758484 Fax: +373 2 246751
E-mail: Mjalba@ufmoldova.com or jalba_marcela@yahoo.com

JOFFÉ George, UK. Center for International Studies, Cambridge University, Former Deputy Director Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, UK. Home: 12 Heaventree Close Wallace Road London N1 2PW UK
E-mail: girgis@meapec.fsnet.co.uk

JOURNE' Venance, French. CIRED, Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Dèveloppement 45 bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle 94736 Nogent sur Marne Cedex Tel: +33 1 43 94 7398 Fax: +33 1 43947370
E-mail: journe@centre-cired.fr

KACZYNSKI Piotr, Polish. Ul. Zeromskiego 15/42 Warszawa Poland 01887 Tel.: +48 606138060
E-mail: pkaczyn@poczta.onet.pl

KALASHNIKOV Nikolay Pavlovich, Russian. Moscow  State Industrial University (MSIU) Department  of Physics Avtozavodskaya Street 16 Tel.: +7 095 277 2825 Fax: +7 095 275 2256
E-mail: kalash@msiu.ru

KALASHNIKOVA Liudmila Pavlovna, Russian. Guryevski Proeyzd, dom 35/58, kv. 438, 115597 Moscow, Russia Tel.: +7 095 397 4920

KANCHANA Radhika, Indian. Centre for Defence and International Security Studies (CDISS) Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YL UK Tel.: +44 1524 594 254
E-mail: rkanchan@maxwell.syr.edu

KAPPLER Steffen, German. CERN EP-Division CH-1211 Geneve 23 Switzerland 1211 Tel.: +41 22 7671665
E-mail: Steffen.Kappler@cern.ch

KELLEHER Catherine, US. Professor and Director, Faculty Programs, Strategic Research Department CNWS Naval War College Newport Rhode Island 02841 Tel: +1 401 841 4613
E-mail: kellehec@nwc.navy.mil

KROPIWNICKA Magdalena, Polish. St. John’s University, Rome. Graduate Center
Board Secretary International Young Student Pugwash. Home: Via Ugo Ojetti, 41 00137 Roma.
E-mail: kmagdalena@yahoo.com or mrkop895@stjohns.edu

LATELLA Diego, Italian. CNR-Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI), Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy. Tel: +39 050 315 2982 Mobile: +39 348 8283101
E-mail: diego.latella@cnuce.cnr.it

LEVY Sheldon Grant, US. Professor of Social Psychology at Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Home: 2951 Renfrew St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105-1453, USA
E-mail: shelly@umich.edu

LEVENTIS Yiorghos, Cyprus. Polykleitou 6, Lefkosia (Nicosia) 1045, Cyprus Tel.: +357 22 348 451 Mobile: +357 99 658694 
E-mail: drleventis@hotmail.com or leventis@cytanet.com.cy

LIU Min, Chinese. China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) P.O. Box 8009-22 Beijing, China 100088 Tel.: +86 10 620 14411 ext.3126  Fax: +86 10 620 10108
E-mail: liumind@hotmail.com

LOPEZ George, US. University of Notre Dame PO Box 639 Notre Dame Indiana 46556-0639 USA Tel: +574 631 6972/6970 Fax: +574 631 6973
E-mail: George.A.Lopez.1@nd.edu

LOPEZ Julie, Guatemalan. Tyler Court Room 319 Rutherford College University of Kent Canterbury Giles Lane Kent CT2 7NX Tel.: +44 7732 579637
E-mail: julie_lgua@hotmail.com

LUCCIO Alfredo, US. Physicist Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton NY 11973 USA
E-mail: alfredo@luccio.net

MAERLI BREMER Morten, Norwegian. Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Gronlandsleiret 25 P.O. Box 8159 Dep. N-0033 Oslo Tel.: +47 22 056503 Fax:+47 22177015 Mobile: +47 900 74420
E-mail: mbm@nupi.no

MARINOVA Mariya, Bulgarian. IRES Dept CEU Nador ut 9 Budapest H-1051 Hungary Tel.: +3670 276 1286
E-mail: mimarinova@yahoo.com

MASSINK Mieke, Dutch. CNR-Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI), Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy. Tel: +39 050 315 2982 Mobile: +39 348 8283102
E-mail: mieke.massink@cnuce.cnr.it

MAZZUCOTELLI Francesco, Italian. Via Tito Legrenzi 2 24124 Bergamo or c/o Centro Militare di Studi Strategici Palazzo Salviati Piazza della Rovere 83 00165 Roma Tel.: +39 3804138711 or +39 3387993054
E-mail: f.mazzucotelli@email.it

McCARN Banita, US. 1671 Alexis Court Lake Forest IL 60045 USA
E-mail: banocrates1@aol.com

MILIKH Margarita, US. Via Pomponio Leto 2 Scala 6B 00193 Roma Tel. +39 3400761280 email: margosha375@hotmail.com

NEBOISA Ana Carmen, Romanian.  395 Calea Grivitei, Bl. M. D Entrance, 1st Floor, 3rd Apartment, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel: +40 722607921 Fax: +401 2243184
E-mail: neboisacarmen@yahoo.com

NIKITINA Yulia, Russian. 22/10-1-52, Profsoyuznaya St, Moscow, Russia 117292 Tel.: +7 095 125 3923 Mobile +7 902 136 1371
E-mail: zerododici@yandex.ru

NISCHLER Christiane, Italian. Strategic Innovation Centre c/o Bavarian Bureau of Investigation Maillingerstr. 15 80636 Munich Germany Tel.: +49 89 12121035 Fax: +49 89 12122032
E-mail: Christiane.Nischler@baypol.bayern.de

OBERRAUCH Verena, Italian. Pigano 19 I-39057 Appiano Bolzano Italy Tel: +39 0471 662297
E-mail: verenaoberrauch@gmx.net

OGBOYI Idu Nicholas, Nigerian. c/o Embassy of Nigeria Ul. Chocimska 18 Warsaw 00-791 Poland Tel. +48 692 069 414 Fax: +48 22 484 5379
E-mail: i_nickogboyi@yahoo.com

OZMENT Andy, US. 7806 Foxfire Dr, Huntsville, AL 35802 Tel.: +1 256 882 2153 and London House Apt. 2106, Mecklenbergh Square, London WC1N 2AB

PALLANCH Chiara, Italian. Via Carmelo 17/a 38010 Fai Della Paganella Trento Tel: +39 0461 583240 Mobile: +39 333 3594243
E-mail: cpalla7@tiscali.it

PAPPALARDO Hanna, Italian. Via San Sirico 5 00199 Rome Italy Tel.: +39 06 80983208 Mobile: +39 349 5747312
E-mail: hpappalardo@hotmail.com or hanna.p@libero.it

PARDO-GUERRA Juan Pablo, Mexican. Andador 1-C Xochitepetl No.7 Col Corrales Tepepan Tlalpan Mexico City Mexico CP 14607 Tel.: +5255 5675 6697
E-mail: jpardog@prodigy.net.mx

PATE Jason, US. Deputy Director, Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Program Manager, WMD Terrorism Project, Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies, 460 Pierce Street, Monterey, CA 93940 USA Tel.: +1 831 647 6661 Fax: +1 831 647 6534
E-mail: jpate@miis.edu

PAVLOVA Elena, Bulgarian. Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies Nanyang Technological University south Spine S4 Level B4 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798 Tel.: +65 6790 6982 Fax: +65 6793 2991
E-mail: isepavlova@ntu.edu.sg or pavlova@post.harvard.edu

PILETSKY Oleg, Belarusian. University of Limerick Limerick Ireland Tel: +353 61 202930 Fax: +353 61 202952
E-mail: oleg.piletsky@ul.ie

PIRITYI Sandor, Hungarian. Haman Kato u. 22 1185 Budapest Hungary Fax: +36 1 375 3973

QADI Iyad, Palestinian. Tamkeen Project Ramallah Tel.: +972 2 2988212 Fax: +972 2 2988216
E-mail: iqadi@tamkeen.org

QUERCIA Paolo, Italian. Via C. Morin 1 Roma Tel.: 347 5433010
E-mail: oakp@libero.it

RADDI Freya, Italian. 6 Brotherhood Close Giles Lane University of Kent Kent Canterbury CT2 7LU UK Tel.: +44 794 785 4620
E-mail: fr7@ukc.ac.uk

RAMIREZ Martin J., Spanish. Head Department of Psychobiology Universidad Complutense Madrid PO Box 2 28792 Miraflores de la Sierra Spain Tel.: +34 91 8444695 Fax: +34 91 394 3189
E-mail: mramirez@med.ucm.es

RAMIREZ Tina, South African. Psychologist PO Box 2 28792 Miraflores de la Sierra Spain Tel.: +34 91 8444695
E-mail: ramirez@psi.ucm.es

RIIKONEN Katja, Finnish. 50 Downs Road Canterbury Kent CT2 7AY UK Tel.: +44 7986 757361 or +358 40 5524997
E-mail: katja.riikonen@uta.fi

ROGERS Rita, US. Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at University of California. 2316 Via Pinale, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 USA. Tel.: +1 310 375 8011 Fax: +1 310 791 5126

ROHR Carsten, German. Flat 68 100 Drayton Park London N5 1NF UK Tel.: +44 20 7594 7563 Mobile: +44 7720723910
E-mail: c.rohr@ic.ac.uk

ROMANELLI Federico, Italian. Via Tirso 111 00198 Roma Tel: 340 9014831 email: romanelli@mincomes.it

SADNYTSKYY Volodymyr, Ukrainian. Bandera str. 55 Lviv 79013 Ukraine Tel.: +380 322 398827 Tel./Fax: +380 322 721767
E-mail: volsadn@polynet.lviv.ua

SCHAERF Carlo, Italian. Professor of Physics at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1, 00133 Roma Tel: +39 06 72594561
E-mail: carlo.schaerf@roma2.infn.it

SHARMA Harish, Indian. Assistant Director Indian Council of Social Science Research P.O. Box 10528 Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110067 Fax: +91 11 617 9836
E-mail: daulathari@yahoo.co.in Tel. +91 11 26716687 +91 11 222111814 (R)

SHARYGINA Maryna, Ukrainian. Karberi, 2-23, Tallinn, Estonia 13812 Tel: 055998906
E-mail: sharygm@ciue.edu.ee

SLUZKI Carlos, US. Research Professor, ICAR, GMU, 4260 Chain Bridge Rd. Fairfax VA 22030 USA Tel.: +1 703 993 4475, +1 202 255 0458
E-mail: csluzki@gmu.edu

SOBEL David L., US. Electronic Privacy Information Center 1718 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Suite 200 Washington, DC 20009, USA Tel.: +1 202 483 1140 x.105 Fax: +1 202 483 1248
E-mail: sobel@epic.org

SPILLANE Giuseppina, US. via Paolo Casciani 15 Montecatini Terme 51016 (PT) Tel.: 347 7755760
E-mail: gspillane@hotmail.com

SPRINGER Natalia Maria, Colombian. International Consultant Bechardgasse 24 #6 A-1030 Vienna Austria Tel.: +34 690657469 or +32 486846498
E-mail: nataliaspringer@hotmail.com or nataliaspringer@yahoo.com

SZYMBORSKA-DYRDA Dorota, Polish. (permanent address) Wolska 40a/35 street, 01-147 Warszawa, Poland, Palacio Antia, Plaza Santa Marina 5 20560 Onati Gipuzkoa Spain (till April 2003) Tel.: +48 600956020 Mobile 34 615723582
E-mail: dszymborska@onet.pl

TANG Li, Chinese. Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM) No. 6 Huayuan Road Haidian District Beijing China 100088 Tel.: +86 10 62014411 ext.3121 Fax: +86 10 62010108
E-mail: tang_li@mail.iapcm.ac.cn

TELLIDIS Ioannis, Greek. 54/01 Albany Park St Mary Street St Andrews Fife Scotland U.K. Tel.: +44 7855297931 Home: Pindoy 30, 59100 Veria, Greece. Tel.: 30972432682,

TENAGLIA Giancarlo, Italian. Member of ISODARCO Board; Adviser of Pugwash Office in Rome, Pugwash Conferences. Office: Pugwash Conferences, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, via della Lungara 10, 00165 Rome, Italy. Tel.: +39 06 687 2606, Fax: +39 06 687-8376,
E-mail: pugwash@iol.it Home: Via Chiusi 14, 00139 Rome, Italy. Tel.: +39 06 8107764,
E-mail: gctenaglia@mclink.it

TINNIRELLO Maurizio, Colombian. 15 Headcorn Drive Canterbury Kent CT2 7QT
E-mail: mt32@ukc.ac.uk or mautinni@hotmail.com

VERES Susan, US. 2029 P. Street NW Suite 301 Washington DC 20036 Tel.: +1 202 429 8900 Fax: +1 202 429 8905
E-mail: susanveres@aol.com

VITALE Alessandro, Italian. Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali Universita' degli Studi Via Vivaio 7 20122 Milano
E-mail: alessandro.vitale@unimi.it

WINCKLER Onn, Israeli. Senior Lecturer in the Department of Middle Eastern History, University of Haifa
E-mail: winckler@research.haifa.ac.il

WRIGHT Steve, UK. The Omega Foundation Bridge 5 Mill 22A Beswick Street Ancoats Manchester M4 7HR UK Tel: +44 161 273 8875
E-mail: Steve.Wright@good.co.uk

ZHOU Jianjun, Chinese. China Academy of Engineering Physics No. 6 Huayuan Road Haidian District Beijing China 100088 Tel.: +86 10 62014411-3170  Fax.: +86 10 62012137

If you wish to receive any additional information on the subject, please send an E-mail to: isodarco@roma2.infn.it