SeniorLecturer in International Studies, University of Warwick, UK





1.'TheWest's Inconsistent Responses to Sub-State Violence (and its State Sponsorship)since 1970'

Asurvey of the West's responses to terrorism in recent decades will beattempted. The aim will be to explore whether there has been broad consistency orwhether the West has at times appeased or even encouraged terrorism. Decidingwhether terrorism and freedom fighting can be satisfactorily distinguished fromone another is probably central to the analysis that will follow.




BruceHoffman, Inside Terrorism (1998);

GrantWardlaw, Political Terrorism: Theory, Tactics and Countermeasures (1990)



2.'BritishGovernments and Northern Ireland since 1969: How Much Continuity?'

OnNorthern Ireland the aim will be to try to identify any consistent threads inLondon's policies from Edward Heath to Tony Blair. The presentation willconcentrate on government policies but would not ignore public opinion so faras it is possible to measure it.