17th ISODARCO Winter Course on:
"Violence by Armed Non-State Groups and International Security"

11 - 18 January, 2004

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf

Andalo 2004 Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers


Ruth Adams   -   US
University of California at San Diego

Arbatov, Alexei   -   Russian
Member of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Defence Committee, Moscow, Russia

Arbatova, Nadia   -   Russian
Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Moscow, Russia

Attardo, Antonella   -   Italian
Venice International University, Venice, Italy

Avakov, Vladimir   -   Russian

Baramki, Gabriel   -   Palestinian
Consultant to the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine

Behrmann, Joern   -   German

Butcher, Martin   -   US
Physicians for Social Responsibility

Butcher, Sandy   -   US

Calogero, Francesco   -   Italian
Physics Dept., University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy

Canonne, Pierre   -   French
Member, Pugwash Council, Université Marne La Valée

Carlton, David   -   UK
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

Carlton Therese   -   UK

Citossi, Francesca   -   Italian

Corin, Eli Y.   -   US

De Andreis, Marco   -   Italian
Campus University of Malta, Rome, Italy

Demir, Basak   -   Turkish

Egberts, Frank R.   -   Dutch

Flore, Massimo   -   Italian

Franchoo, Serge   -   Belgian
Institute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany

Gabutti, Lorenzo   -   Italian

Gerhardt, Sabine   -   German

Goldstein, Steve   -   US
The Philadelphia Inquirer/Washington Bureau, USA

Goodfellow, Moira Ann   -   Canadian

Guinnessy Deborah   -   US

Guinnessy, Paul   -   US
Physics Today, American Institute of Physics, US

Hansen, Mads Fleckner   -   Danish

Hansen, Tom Borsen   -   Danish

Harigel, Gert   -   German
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Hudlet Vazquez, Karen   -   Mexican

Journe', Venance   -   French
CIRED, Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développemen, Nogent sur Marne Cedex

Kalashnikov, Nikolay Pavlovich   -   Russian
Moscow State Industrial University (MSIU), Department of Physics, Moscow, Russia

Kalashnilkov, Evgeny Sergeevich   -   Russian

Kappler, Steffen G.   -   German
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research, Switzerland

Kelleher, Catherine   -   US
CNWS, Naval War College, Newport, RI, USA

Kishek, Taghreed   -   Palestinian
Birzeit University, Palestine

Korkmaz, Gulcan   -   Turkish

Krivosheina, Elena J.   -   Russian
Department of Postgraduate studies, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

La Malfa Luisa   -   Italian

Latella, Diego   -   Italian
CNR/ISTI, Pisa, Italy

Leventis, Yiorghos   -   Cypriot
Reasearch Associate, Intercollege

Levtzion Tirta   -   Israeli

Levy, Sheldon G.   -   US
Wayne State University, Psychology Dept., Detroit, Michigan

Littlefield, Adriane C.   -   US

Magarelli, Clyde   -   US

Marat Iskavova, Erica   -   Kyrgyz

Massink, Mieke   -   Italian
CNR/ISTI, Pisa, Italy

Mc Carn, Banita M.   -   US

Miller, Steve   -   US
Harward University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Muzzi, Sandra   -   Italian

Nachmani, Amikam   -   Israeli

Nadan, Amos   -   Israeli
The Truman Research Institute, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Nadan Levtzion Noga   -   Israeli

Nassar, William   -   Palestinian
Director General of President Arafat's office in Bethlehem

Neajai Pailey, Robtel   -   Liberian

Pavlova, Elena   -   Bulgarian
Nanyan Technological University, Singapore

Petersen, Arthur   -   Netherlands

Porten, Jeff   -   US

Ramirez, Martin Jesus   -   Spanish
Department of Psychology, Un. Complutense, Madrid

Ramirez, Tina   -   Spanish

Reppy John   -   US

Reppy, Judith   -   US
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

Rogers, Rita   -   US

Schaerf, Carlo   -   Italian
Professor of Physics at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy

Shevtsov, Anatolii   -   Ukrainian

Tedone, Emma Maria   -   Italian

Toubassi, Marwan Emile   -   Palestinian

Tryasunova, Vira   -   Ukrainian

Van Der Mark, Iris   -   Netherlands

Verzeletti, Cinzia   -   Italian

Winner, Andrew C.   -   US

Wright, Steve   -   British


  If you wish to receive any additional information on the subject, please send an E-mail to: isodarco@roma2.infn.it