18th ISODARCO Winter Course on:
"Constructing Security in Europe after Madrid"

9 - 16 January, 2005

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy )
 Directors of the Course: Catherine Kelleher (CNWS, Naval War College, Newport RI, USA)
and Judith Reppy (Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA)

Andalo 2005 Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers


Monday, 10 January 2005

Morning session: Introduction and Overview
Chair, Carlo Schaerf
Introduction to ISODARCO: Carlo Schaerf (Italy)
Matthew Evangelista (USA) - Is there a 'European approach' to security?

Afternoon session: Security in a New Perspective
Chair, Juergen Altmann
Dennis Gormley (USA) - New challenges for intelligence
Giampiero Giacomello (Italy) - Cybersecurity and cyberterrorism

Evening Session:
Chair, Francesco Calogero
Sergei Batsanov (Russia) - Terrorism and WMD

Tuesday, 11 January 2005

Morning session: The European Experience with Terrorism, Then and Now
Chair, Malcolm Dando
David Carlton (UK) - United Kingdom with particular reference to Northern Ireland

Afternoon Session: Security in a New Perspective
Chair, Judith Reppy
Juergen Altmann (Germany) - Nanotechnology and preventative arms control
Sonia Ben Ouaghram (USA) - Biological weapons programs and proliferation issues

Wednesday, 12 January 2005

Morning session: The European Experience with Terrorism, Then and Now
Chair, Sonia Ben Ouaghram
Carlo Schaerf (Italy) - Twenty years of political violence in Italy

10:30 Open discussion
"Eastern Europe - From the bloodshed to orange revolution. Case of Romania"
Dr. George Anca

14:00 Open discussion
"Conflicts and military operations in 21st century new rules of engagement?"

Afternoon session:
Chair, Matthew Evangelista
Nadia Arbatova (Russia) - European security and international terrorism: the Balkan connection.
Panel Discussion: Is there a new terrorism? Thomas Biersteker, Bob Nurick, Barak Mendelsohn and others

21:30 Movie
"Dirty bomb"

Thursday, 13 January 2005

Morning Session:
Chair, Nadia Arbatova
Matthew Evangelista (USA) - Terrorism and international law

Afternoon Session:
Chair, Bob Nurick
Gunnar Arbman (Sweden) - Nuclear terrorism
Malcolm Dando (UK) - Bioterrrorism

21:30 Open discussion:

Friday, 14 January 2005

Morning Session:
Chair, David Carlton
Alessandro Silj (Italy) - Security within: the backlash from 9/11 in Muslim communities

11:30 Open discussion
" 9/11 Failed security or false flag?"
Clyde Magarelli

Afternoon Session: What Role for the International Community?
Chair, Alessandro Argentini
Antonio Donini (Italy) - International humanitarian aid and the security agenda
Thomas Biersteker (USA) - The global effort to regulate the financing of terrorism

21:30 Movie
"Who is Silvio Berlusconi?"

Saturday, 15 January 2005

Morning Session: What Role for the International Community?
Chair, Marsha Woodbury
Julian Lyndley-French (UK) - EU/NATO security relationship
Daniele Riggio (NATO) - NATO in the New Euro Atlantic Environment

Afternoon Session: Closing Thoughts
Chair, Marsha Woodbury
Bob Nurick (USA) - Issues in international cooperation: NATO, the EU, and Russia

Panel Discussion:
Chair, Carlo Schaerf

Thoughts on leaving: