19th ISODARCO Winter Course on:
"The War on Terror: Results and Costs from Europe to Central Asia"

8 - 15 January, 2006

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy)
 Director of the Course: Matthew Evangelista (Department of Government Cornell University, Ithaca NY, US)

Andalo 2006 Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers


Monday, 09 January 2006 - OVERVIEW AND INTRODUCTION

Morning session
Introduction to ISODARCO Carlo Schaerf
Overview of the Course Matthew Evangelista
Chair, Carlo Schaerf
Secretary, Casey Addis

Afternoon session
David Carlton - 9/11 as a Catalyst for Consistency?
Chair, Nadia Arbatova
Secretary, Natasha Di Genova

John King - The War on Terror: Is a Military or Police Response More Appropriate?
Chair, Giampiero Giacomello
Secretary, James Revill

Evening activity
Films of Pervez Hoodboy and Zia Mian: Crossing the Lines: Kashmir, Pakistan, India (2004), 45 mins., and/or
Pakistan and India under the Nuclear Shadow (2005), 35 mins., introduced by Zia Mian.

Tuesday, 10 January 2006 - THE EUROPEAN DIMENSION

Morning session
Alessandro Silj - The Impact of post- 9/11 Security Measures on Civil Society
Chair, Alexei Arbatov
Secretary, Joseph Davids

Afternoon session
Reuben Brigety - Terrorism, Counter Insurgery, and Humanitarian Aid
Chair, Sergei Batsanov
Secretary, Michail Mantalas

Nadia Arbatova, with comments by Katariina Lethola and Sebastian von Muenchow - The European Union's External Borders and the Problem of Terrorism
Chair, Matthew Evangelista
Secretary, Evgeny Sergeevich Kalashnikov

Evening activity

Wednesday, 11 January 2006 - THE CENTRAL ASIAN CONNECTION

Morning session
Alexei Arbatov - Central Asia in the War on Terror: Comparative Lessons
Chair, Mieke Massinnk
Secretary, Claudia Maffettone

Afternoon session
Zia Mian - With Friends Like These: The War on Terror, Pakistan, and the Jihad in South and Central Asia
Chair, Steve Wright
Secretary, Joanna Sprackett

Takao Takahara - The War on Terror: A View from East Asia
Chair, John King
Secretary, Elena Ravano

Thursday, 12 January 2006 - WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION

Morning Session
Francesco Calogero - The Risk of Nuclear Terrorism and How to Decrease It
Chair, Carlo Schaerf
Secretary, David Curran

10.30 - Group Photo

Afternoon Session
Sergei Batsanov - Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Crisis of Non-proliferation Regimes
Chair, Paolo Calzini
Secreatary, Natasha Di Genova

Sharon Weiner - Securing Russia's Nuclear and Bioweapons Facilities
Chair, Reuben Brigetey
Secretary, Timothy Box

Evening activity
Roundtable discussion on the "Culture of Violence"
Chair, Sergei Batsanov
Secretary, Caterina Argentini

Friday, 13 January 2006 - INFORMATION AND ACTIVISM

Morning Session
Giampiero Giacomello - Are Computers Weapons of Mass Destruction? Internet Propaganda, Perception Management, and Psychological Reactions to Cyberthreats
Chair, Diego Latella
Secretary, James Revill

Afternoon Session
Zia Mian - Is the War on Terror Over?
Chair, David Carlton
Secretary, Michail Mantalas

Catherine Kelleher, Francesco Calogero, Matthew Evangelista - The Difference an Individual Can Make: Reflections on the Legacy of Ruth Adams and Joseph Rotblat
Chair, Alessandro Silj
Secretary, Evgeny Sergeevich Kalashnikov

Saturday, 14 January 2006 - INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION

Morning Session
Sergei Batsanov, Reuben Brigety, John King - Do International Treaties Have a Role in the War on Terror?
Chair, Sharon Weiner
Secretary, Joseph Davids

Afternoon Session
Catherine Kelleher - Transatlantic Conflict and Cooperation
Chair, Matthew Evangelista
Secretary, Nicole Alam Summer

Closing Reflections
Chair, Carlo Schaerf
Secretary, Casey Addis