20th ISODARCO Winter Course on:
"Terrorism, Counterterrorism, and Human Rights"

14 - 21 January, 2007

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy)
 Director of the Course: Matthew Evangelista (Department of Government Cornell University, Ithaca NY, US)

Andalo 2007 Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers


Monday, 15 January 2007 - OVERVIEW AND INTRODUCTION

Morning session
Carlo Schaerf, Introduction to ISODARCO
Matthew Evangelista Conflicting Perspectives on Terrorism
Chair, Carlo Schaerf
Secretary, Jennifer Erickson

Afternoon session
Giovanni Ercolani - Energy security and terrorism
Chair, Mirco Elena
Secretary, Evgeny Kalashnikov

Luigi Caligaris - Asymmetrical responses to an asymmetrical threat
Chair, Bruce Larkin
Secretary, Molly Clark

Evening activity

Tuesday, 16 January 2007 - Technological Challenges

Morning session
Gary Chapman - Is cyber-terrorism a real threat?
Chair, Francesco Calogero
Secretary, Marzia Borsoi

Afternoon session
Christopher Chyba - Human rights, transnational corporations, and lessons for the prevention of bioterrorism
Chair, Margarita Petrova
Secretary, James Connolly

Diego Latella, Gary Chapman, Massimo Mauro, Giampiero Giacomello - Roundtable on legal and technical aspects of counterterrorist monitoring
Chair, Mieke Massink
Secretary, Mark Ducasse

Evening activity

Wednesday, 17 January 2007 - Comparative Perspectives

Morning session
Alessandro Silj - Diversity and multiculturalism in Europe post 9/11
Chair, Giancarlo Tenaglia
Secretary, Emanuele Fratantuono

Afternoon session
Peter Katzenstein - Same war - different views: Germany, Japan and counterterrorism
Chair, Valentin Smyntyna
Secretary, Ed Hyde

Maati Monjib - Terrorism and counterterrorism in Colonial Africa and Palestine
Chair, Wu Jun
Secretary, Ece Aksop

Evening activity
Roundtable: The lesson from Iraq: The structure of the American military establishment and the requirements of today conflicts
Luigi Caligaris, Laura Reed, Robert Nurick, Alexei Arbatov
Chair: Carlo Scherf

Thursday, 18 January 2006 - Legality and Counterterrorism

Morning Session
Deborah Pearlstein - Finding effective constraints on US counterterrorism powers: interrogation, detention and trial
Chair, Alessandro Pascolini
Secretary, Rebecca Mcknight

Afternoon Session
Alexei Arbatov - Terrorism, power structures and human rights in Russia
Chair, Rita Rogers
Secreatary, Sandra Menjivar

Alexander Nikitin - Legal aspects of counteracting terrorism
Chair, Nikolai Kalashnikov
Secretary, Maddalena Parolin

Evening activity

Friday, 19 January 2007 - Efforts at cooperation: failures and successes

Morning Session
Nadia Arbatova - Russia and the European Union: between global jihad and xenophobia
Chair, Steve Wright
Secretary, Bonnie Rose Schulman

Afternoon Session
Blake Dawgert - Controlling the War on Terror: How Europe attempts to balance human rights, sovereignty, and securit
Chair, Olena Smyntyna
Secretary, Erika Shehan

Robert Nurick - US-Russian cooperation on counterterrorism
Chair, Hu Side
Secretary, Solaleh Tazree

Saturday, 20 January 2007

Morning Session
Virginie Guiraudon - Migration and mobility after 9/11: transatlantic "cooperation" and US-EU differences
Chair, Alessandro Silj
Secretary, Zoryana Vovchok

Afternoon Session
Sergei Batsanov - Five years of the war on terror - achievements, failures and future priorities
Chair, Matthew Evangelista
Secretary, Rebecca Addington

Closing Reflections
Chair, Carlo Schaerf
Secretary, Frank Foley