22nd ISODARCO Winter Course on:
"Nuclear Futures: What Would Nuclear Disarmament Look Like?"

11 - 18 January, 2009

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy)
 Directors of the Course: Catherine M. Kelleher (Brown University, Providence, RI, USA)
Judith Reppy (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA)

Andalo 2009 Principal Lecturers Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers


James Acton
Verificaton issues or Why we need politicians

Francesco Calogero
The Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe

Marco De Andreis
Elimination of Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe

Peter Dombrowski
Thoughts on Getting to Zero

Bates Gill
China’s Approach to Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament

Jeffrey Lewis
Alliance repercussions

Sergey Oznobishchev
The Current Arms Control: Better Late than Never

Jill Marie Parillo
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle: The U.S. Global Nuclear Energy Partnership

Rajendra Prasad and Lisa Tabassi
Implementation and Enforcement of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaties and the Implications for Nuclear Disarmament

W.Pal Sidhu
Special cases: India

Etel Solingen
Why have some states opted for nuclear weapons while others have renounced them?