22nd ISODARCO Winter Course on:
"Nuclear Futures: What Would Nuclear Disarmament Look Like?"

11 - 18 January, 2009

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy)
 Directors of the Course: Catherine M. Kelleher (Brown University, Providence, RI, USA)
Judith Reppy (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA)

Andalo 2009 Principal Lecturers Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers


Official Schedule
9.00-10.30Morning session
16.30-18.00First afternoon session
18.15-19.45Second afternoon session
21.00-22.30Evening Session

Sunday pm, 11 January 2009 - Arrive Hotel Gruppa Brenta, Andalo

Monday, 12 January 2009

Monday am
Introduction to ISODARCO, Carlo Schaerf
Opening address, David Holloway
Chair: Catherine Kelleher
Secretary: Edward Cava
Monday pm: 1
How we got to where we are, Lynn Eden
Chair: Nadia Arbatova
Secretary: Hans Christian Gils
Monday pm: 2
A cautionary tale: France and the bomb, Venance Journé
Chair: Judith Reppy
Secretary: Chia-Ling Ho

Tuesday 13 January 2009
Tuesday am
Panel: The Current Arms Control Situation, Aili Bi, Marianne Hanson, and Sergey Osnobietshchev
Chair: Robert Legvold
Secretary: Kamal Itani
Tuesday pm: 1
Russia's response, Alexei Arbatov
Chair: Francesco Calogero
Secretary: Ewa Jamroz
Tuesday pm: 2
Alliance repercussions, Jeff Lewis
Chair: David Carlton
Secretary: Huguette Umutoni
Tuesday evening

Wednesday 14 January 2009
Wednesday am
What about BMD?, Götz Neuneck
Chair: Avner Cohen
Secretary: Ya-Ping Lin
Wednesday pm: 1
Verification issues, James Acton
Chair: Lynn Eden
Secretary: Emily Linehan
Wednesday pm: 2
Nuclear logics--adopters and non-adopters, Etel Solingen
Chair: Peter Dombrowski
Secretary: Mathew Davis
Wednesday evening
Film: Documentary on Joseph Rotblat

Thursday 15 January 2009
Thursday am
Special cases: India, W. Pal Sidhu
Chair: Jill-Marie Parillo
Secretary: Harry Reis
Thursday pm: 1
Special cases: China, Bates Gill
Chair: Jeff Lewis
Secretary: Zhao Tong
Thursday pm: 2
Special cases: Israel, Avner Cohen
Chair: David Holloway
Secretary: Huguette Umutoni
Thursday evening
Video: Anthropology 101
Video: On the Brink of Apocalypse

Friday 16 January 2009
Friday am
Elimination of Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe , Marco De Andreis
Chair: Venance Journé
Secretary: Ya-Ping Lin
Friday pm: 1
The U.S. Global Nuclear Energy Partnership , Jill-Marie Parillo
Chair: Marianne Hanson
Secretary: Edward Cava
Friday pm: 2
The Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe , Francesco Calogero
Chair: Bruce Larkin
Secretary: Chia-Ling Ho

Saturday 17 January 2009
Saturday am:
Next steps, Nadia Arbatov, Peter Dombrowski, Matthew Evangelista
Chair: Sergey Osnobishchev
Secretary: Ewa Jamroz
Saturday noon:
Wrap-up, Catherine Kelleher, Judith Reppy, Carlo Schaerf