24th ISODARCO Winter Course on:

9-16 January 2011

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy)
 Directors of the Course: Matthew Evangelista (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA)
Giorgio Franceschini (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), Germany)

Andalo 2011 Principal Lecturers Programme
List of Participants General Information Travelling Instructions


Hotel Gruppo Brenta
Via Strigole 1
38010 Andalo (Trento), Italy
Phone:   (+39)  0461-585813
Fax:       (+39)  0461-585269
Web:   http://www.gruppobrenta.it

Andalo is a mountain ski resort at about 1200m on the sea level and you will need very warm clothes. It will be possible to ski or go cross-country should you wish to do so. Skiing equipment can also be rented at the resort.
More Information:

Andalo is located on the Paganella mountain west of the Adige valley a little north of Trento.

The most convenient airports to reach Andalo, in order of convenience, are: Verona, Milan, Venice, Bologna and Rome. From these places one must reach Mezzocorona (Trento) by train.

A shuttle service will be organized by the school on Sunday January 9th, for those arriving by train, from Mezzocorona railway station to the hotel.

A bus, a minibus or a car with an Isodarco sign on it will be waiting outside the railway station/airport. In case you will not find anyone, please wait inside and check outside from time to time or simply call us at the hotel. In order to better coordinate this shuttle transportation please let us know your travelling plans and your arrival time as soon as possible.

HOW TO REACH ANDALO BY CAR (distances are good approximations)

In order to reach Andalo by car, you have to follow the A22 "Autostrada del Brennero" (Brenner Highway) and exit at San Michele all'Adige (approx. 15 km north of Trento).

Pay the highway toll and leave the highway; after a few hundred meters you reach the normal road (STOP). Turn to the right and follow it (SS43) for three km until the small town of Mezzolombardo. Continue straight crossing the town; after 1 km, on the left you find a road (SP64 is the first intersection you find after the town), which takes you first to Fai della Paganella and then to Andalo. It is a 17 km long road, rather narrow and with many turns, crossing beautiful wooded mountain terrain.

Alternatively, continue 3 km beyond Mezzolombardo, and after a tunnel there is an indication for Andalo. This road (SS421) is less winding than that through Fai della Paganella, but it has nevertheless all the characteristics of a good mountain road. From Mezzolombardo to Andalo the total distance is equivalent, whatever road you take. If there is fresh snow we suggest that you take this second road.

If you come from Fai della Paganella, Hotel Brenta is at the beginning of the village, on the left, bordering the road (indications). It is easy to find since it is located just after the road has started a long, straight downhill slope.

Click the image to zoom

If you come from the second road (La Rocchetta, Spormaggiore, Cavedago) cross the village of Andalo until you reach a merry-go-round. At this point, take to the left (in the direction of the departing station of the ski-lifts), and follow the long straight uphill road almost until the top. The hotel is on the right, bordering the road (indications).

If you come from the South you can leave the "Autostrada del Brennero" at Trento Nord and take the new highway SP235 that, after a long tunnel, takes you directly to the point where SP64 leaves SS43.


Just outside the Valerio Catullo airport in Verona you will find a shuttle bus on which it is written AEROPORTO-STAZIONE (airport-Station). It departs every 20 minutes (from 06.35 till 23.35). It costs about Euro 5,00, which you can pay on the bus, and will take you to the main railway station in Verona. The run lasts 15 minutes.


In Milan there are 2 airports, Linate and Malpensa. There is public transportation from both of them to the Milan Central Railway Station (Milano Stazione Centrale):

    Shuttle bus to Stazione Centrale (about € 4.00) every 30 minutes. The run lasts about 30 minutes. You can buy the ticket at the airport or on the bus.
    Shuttle bus to Stazione Centrale (€ 5.50) every 20 minutes. The run lasts about 70 minutes. There is a train (€ 11.00), which is faster than the bus, but from its arrival station in Milan (Milano Cadorna) you must then take a city bus or the subway or a taxi to the main railway station (Milano Stazione Centrale).

The train fare Milan-Trento could vary from approximately about Euro 18,00 in 2nd class and from about Euro 38,00 in 1st class depending on the type of train (more or less fast, more or less comfortable).

On the arrival Sunday a complimentary bus for Isodarco participants will leave Malpensa airport at 3p.m. and Linate airport at 4p.m. and arrive at Andalo around 8p.m. Those interested should contact our secretariat ASAP to reserve a seat and obtain information on where to meet the bus.


You can obtain the timetable for the train connections between Trento and major cities from the following websites:


In case of trouble call the hotel and ask for the Isodarco Secretariat (+39) 0461-585813