27th ISODARCO Winter Course on:

8 - 15 January 2014

Director of the School:
Carlo Schaerf (Physics Department, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy)
 Directors of the Course:
Matthew Evangelista (Department of Government, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA)
Judith Reppy (Department of Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA)

Andalo 2014 Principal Lecturers Program
List of Participants General Information Summary and Related Topics


Daily Schedule
9.00-10.30 1st session
10.30-16.00 Free
16.00-16.30 Tea/Coffee/Snack
16.30-18.00 2nd session
18.00-18.15 Break
18.15-19.45 3rd session
21.00-22.30 Evening Session

Wednesday 8 January Arrive Hotel Gruppo Brenta, Andalo

Thursday 9 January 2014 - 1st session
Introduction to Isodarco (Carlo Schaerf)
Overview of Issues (Catherine M. Kelleher)
Chair: Carlo Schaerf
Secretary: Giovanni Battista Nazareth
2nd session
History of the Nuclear Age: 1945 to now (William Walker)
Chair: Matthew Evangelista
Secretary: Roberta Mulas
3rd session
Nuclear Technology and Proliferation Risks (Mirco Elena)
Chair: Francesco Calogero
Secretary: Marco Boggero

Friday 10 January 2014 - 1st session
Securing Fissile Materials: International Framework and the Role of Nuclear Security Summits (Elena Sokova)
Chair: Christine Wing
Secretary: Francesca Silvestri
2nd session
Non-proliferation in International Law and Politics (Alexey Arbatov)
Chair: Judith Reppy
Secretary: Riccardo Luporini
3rd session
Relations among the 'Legal' Nuclear States: Russia, the United States, China and the Rest (Panel: Nikolai Sokov, Catherine Kelleher, Venance Journé)
Chair: David Carlton
Secretary: Michele Gaietta
Friday evening

Saturday 11 January 2014 - 1st session
The India-Pakistan Nexus: A Challenge for Nonproliferation Policy (Tariq Rauf)
Chair: Venance Journé
Secretary: Giulia Naboni
Morning seminar (10:45)
The Ethics of Nuclear Weapons - William Walker
2nd session
North Korea: A Proliferation Failure (Mark Suh)
Chair: Elena Sokova
Secretary: Luana Moresco
3rd session
The Challenge of Iran to the Nonproliferation Regime (Paolo Cotta Ramusino, Michele Gaietta)
Chair: Carlo Trezza
Secretary: Francesco Tripo
Evening session
Carl Robichaud - seminar-
Grantmaking Foundation of Nuclear Security
  - What Do They Fund?
  - How Do They Make Decision?
  - What Are The Opportunities For Specialists, Young and Midcareer?

Sunday 12 January 2014 - 1st session
Eliminating nuclear weapons in the Middle East: Is a WMD-free zone possible? (Paolo Foradori)
Chair: Laura Rockwood
Secretary: Chiara Marconi
Afternoon seminar (15:00)
Jens Heinrich and Debak Das
Nuclear Developments in South Asia: Challenges for Non-proliferation and Disarmament
2nd session
Global nuclear governance: international organizations and arrangements (Trevor Findlay)
Chair: Bruce Larkin
Secretary: Marcantonio Piredda
3rd session
Euratom and the Global Nonproliferation Regime (Nadia Arbatova)
Chair: Charlotte Beaucillon
Secretary: Giulio Tiberio Marostica
Evening session
Marco Boggero - seminar -
Regulation Of Private Security: Where We Are And What Can We Learn From Nuclear Governance

Monday 13 January 2014 - 1st session
The Evolution of IAEA Safeguards (Laura Rockwood)
Chair: Trevor Findlay
Secretary: Debak Das
2nd session
Technical Aspects of Verification (Wolfango Plastino)
Chair: Nikolai Sokov
Secretary: Abigail Freeman
3rd session
Building Capacity for the Future: The Challenge of Verification (Christine Wing)
Chair: Mark Suh
Secretary: Hikmat Mammadov
Evening session
Laura Rockwood - seminar -
All Things IAEA - An Open Discussion To Include Employment Opportunities, Safeguards, Non-Power Applications, Etc.

Tuesday 14 January 2014 - 9:00 - 10:30
European Union Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy: Towards the 2015 NPT Review Conference (Nico Frandi)
Chair: Nikolai Sokov
Secretary: Olugbenga Gbarada
10:45 - 12:15
What's Next? Future Challenges and Challengers to the Nonproliferation Regime (Panel: Carlo Trezza, Tariq Rauf, Trevor Findlay)
Chair: Alessandro Pascolini
Secretary: Marina Tsvetkova
12:15 - 12:45
Wrap up (Matthew Evangelista, Judith Reppy and Carlo Schaerf)

Wednesday 15 January 2014 - Departure

Friday, 10 January
"Poverta' Atomica: Come e Perche' Pakistan e India Hanno la Bomba" (Atomic Poverty: How and Why Pakistan and India Have the Bomb) Tariq Rauf
Introductory remarks by Dr Mirco Elena and Paolo Foradori
Public Lecture, Sala degli Affreschi, Biblioteca Comunale di Trento

Monday, 11 January
"International Efforts to Streghten Nuclear Proliferation"
Laura Rockwood and Elena Sokova
Workshop hosted by FBK/Cerpic in Trento

If you wish to receive any additional information on the subject, please, send an E-mail to: isodarco@roma2.infn.it