9th ISODARCO Beijing Seminar on:
"International Security"

Nanjing (CHINA)
12-15 October, 2004

Organized By Program for Science and National Security Studies (PSNSS)

Co-Sponsored By Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM), China

The International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO), Italy

The Chinese Institute of Contemporary International Relations (CICIS)

Beijing 2004 Programme List of Participants


The 9 th PIIC Beijing Seminar on International Security



October 11


October 12


October 13


October 14


October 15


October 16





Opening Session


Group Photo


Plenary Session

Plenary Session

Plenary Session

Plenary Session


Closing Session



          Lunch (Purple Hall, First Floor, No.1 Building)




Plenary Session

Parallel Sessions

A and B

Parallel Sessions

A and B









Farewell Dinner


October 12, Tuesday





9:00 ~ 10:00

Chairperson: LI Hua

Opening Speeches: Hu Side, Academician

Carlo Schaerf, Professor, Rome University, President, ISODARCO Wang Zaibang, Professor, Vice President, CACIR

Hong Yinxing, President, Nanjing University






Friendship Hall Second Floor, No.1 Building












Each lecture

includes both


(15 minutes)

and discussion

(IO mintues)

10:00 ~ 10:30

Group Photo & Break

10:30 ~ 12:30

Plenary Session    Chairperson: Carlo Schaerf

1.     Pan Zhenqiang: Nuclear Nonprolifention-Past, Present and Future

2.     Hawkins, Houston: Transition into the new New Nuclear Age

3.     Calogero, Francesco: The Risk of Nuclear Terrorism and What to Do About It.


14:00 ~ 16:00

                        Plenary Session      Chairperson: Zhu Yingquan

1.     Cochran, Thomas: Modeling Nuclear Conflict on the Korean Peninsula

2.     Liu Gongliang: North Korean Nuclear Dismantlement and Its Verification

3.     Zimmerman, Peter: The Hafnium Fiasco: How a Physics Curiosity Became a Superbomb Project, and How it Was Terminated.

4.     Zhu Xuhui: Challenge to Nuclear Non-Proliferation from Centrifuge Technology Development

16:00 ~ 16:20


16:20 ~ 18:20

    Plenarv Session       Chairperson: Gary Bertsch

1.     von Hippel, Frank: Reducing the Danger of Nuclear Terrorism from HEU Reactor Fuel

2.     Nikintin, Aleaxander: International Intervention in Conflicts: Change of the Rules

3.     Ye Ruan: New Challenges to International Nonproliferation Regimes

4.     Cirincione, Joseph: A New, Effective Nonproliferation Strategy


October 13, Wednesday





9:00 ~ 10:50










Plenary Session    Chairperson: Ramamurti Rajaraman

1.     Daurov, Ramazan: Strategic Stability and World Security: NW, BMD, Outspace Weaponization

2.     Wright, David: Technical Aspects of Space Security

3.     Webb, David: Missile Defense - the First Steps Towards War in Space?

4.     Li Genxin: Some Thoughts on PSI

Friendship Han Second Floor, No.1 Building

10:50 ~ 11:10


11:10 ~ 12:30

Plenary Session    Chairperson: Gu Guoliang

1.     Maliakal, Rappal: Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons?

2.     Pregenzer, Arian: Strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime in East Asia

Initial Analysis of Candidate Options and Approaches

3. Bertsch, Gary: Nonproliferation Export Controls


14:00 ~ 18:30

Parallel Session

Group A

Biyu Hall

(First Floor, No.1 Building)


Parallel Session

Group B

Di Zhonghai Hall

(First Floor, No.1 Building)

See next page


Notice: Participants can attend Group A or B as you wish.



Parallel Session (October 13, Wednesday)


Group A (Biyu Hall)

14:06~15:50 Chairperson: Zhao Wuwen

1.     Roberts, Brad: Defining Alternate Nonproliferation Future

2.     Xv Weidi: Review of the International Effort on Non-Proliferation and Its Future

3.     Zimmerman, Peter: Rethinking the Non-Proliferation Treaty Bargains: A Realistic Appraisal of the Present Situation.

4.     Han Hua: Nonproliferation Regime After 911: Challenges and Responses

Group A (Biyu Hall)

14:00~15:50 Chairperson: Lu Dehong

1. Fei Yongyi: The Nuclear Race in South Asia Area and Its Impact on Regional Security and Stability

2. Zhuang Jianzhong: The East Asia Regional Security for The Political Resolution

3. Huntley Wade: Reducing Nuclear Threat Reliance in East Asia

4. Wang Yisheng: An Analysis of North Korea's Nuclear Policy and Its Strategic Intention in Current Crisis


15:50 ~ 16:10  Break


16:10~18:30 Chairperson: Carin Atterline Wedar

1.     Gilinsky, Victor: Tightening the NPT System

2.     Wu Chengmai: PSI and It's InOuence to Security Situation of Asia-pacific Regions

3.     Pilat, Joseph: The Future of the Nonproliferation Regime

4.     Tan Hongbo:       Nuclear Weapon and Contemporary War

5.     Bayer, Martin: Network Centric Warfare, Terrorism,

     and the Lack of Strategy

16:10~18:30 Chairperson: Mirco Elena

1.     Yang Li: Russia and Northeast Asia Security

2.     Dai Yanli: WMD Prolifention Against Asian Security

3.     Xia Liping: The Prospects of Security Mechanism in Northeast Asia

4.     Kang Chunmei: Preparation of Iran's Nuclear Material.

5.     Kang Jungmin: South Korea's Nuclear Mis-Adventures


October 14, Thursday







Plenary Session    Chairperson: Kennette Benedict

1.           Habiger, Eugene: Nuclear Strategy for the 21st Center

2.           Norris, Robert: The U.S. Nuclear Warhead Reductions of 2004: Background and Significance

3.           Shen Dingli Enhancing Safeguards Mechanism

Friendship Hall Second Floor, No.1 Building






Plenary Session    Chairperson: William Abramson

1.           Roberts, Brad: From Deterrence to Dissuasion: Bush Administration Strategies for Strategic Stability

2.           Li Bin: US Capabilities in Anti-Mobile Targets and Their Strategic Implications

3.           Kulacki, Gregory: A Great Wall of Misunderstanding: Dysfunctional Dialogues in US – China

4.           Medeiros, Evan: New Security Challenges in US-China Relations



Plenary Session    Chairperson: Wade Huntley

1.           Zheng Anguang: NGO and the Control of WMD in Contemporary World Politics: A Perspective of Global Governance

2.           Halpin, Edward: Critical Perspective on the Role of Information Warfare in a Time of Terror

3.           Yin Xiangdong: Technical Challenge for Anti-Terrorism in the Future World

4.           Dinh The Hung: Problems and Solutions on Anti-Terrorism






Plenary Session    Chairperson: Arian Pregenzer

1.           Wedar, Carin: The End Game- How to Organize the Procedures for Final Elimination of the Nuclear Weapon

2.           Ikegami, Masako: Missile Defense and a Future of Nuclear Deterrence: Theoretical Exploration

3.           Ri Myong Guk: Unilateralism of the US, the Very Factor Threatening Peace and Security of the World and the Northeast Asia

4.           Lewis, Jeffrey: Space Weaponization Spending in FY2005 Defense Budget



October 15, Friday







Plenary Session    Chairperson: Victor Gilinsky


1.           Duan Zhanyuan: Preventing Outer Space Weaponization: Prospect & Challenge

2.           Wright, Steve: The Need for a Critical Cultural Perspective on Human Security in a Time of Terror                  



Peace Hall Second Floor,

No. 1 Building






Plenary Session    Chairperson:  Li Hua


1.           Regens, James: Radiological Dispersion Devices and Terrorism Risk

2.           Mauro, Massimo: Information Warfare and Non-Conventional Weapons