10th PIIC Beijing Seminar on:
"International Security"
Harmony Makes the World Stable and Secure

Xiamen, Fujian Province, China
25-28 September 2006

Organized by: Program for Science and National Security Studies (PSNSS)

Co-Sponsored by: Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM), China

The International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO), Italy

The Chinese Academy of Contemporary International Relations (CACIR), China

Xiamen University, China

Beijing 2006 Programme List of Participants


The 10th PIIC Beijing Seminar on International Security

Sunday, 24 September


08:00 -                Registration in the lobby of the hotel upon arrival


18:00 - 20:00      Buffet in the hotel where you stay


Monday, 25 September


07:30 - 8:20      Breakfast in the hotel where you stay


8:30 Sharp        For those who stay in the Asia Gulf Hotel, bus transportation at the entrance of the hotel to the Lecture Hall in Xiamen National Accounting Institute (XNAI) where all sessions will be held.


09:00 - 09:40      Opening Session               Chairman: Li Hua


Co-Chairman:   Hu Side, Academician,  CAEP

Co-Chairman:   Carlo Schaerf,  President,  ISODARCO

Co-Chairman:   Wang Zaibang,  Vice President,  CICIR

Co-Chairman:   President, Xiamen University

Mayor, Xiamen Municipality


9:40 - 10:10      Group Photo/Tea Break


10:10 - 12:30      Panel Session 1:  Strategic Cooperation, Security and Stability in the New Era

Chairman: Carlo Schaerf


Yang Yi  Big-Power Cooperation in Maintaining Peace

Talat Masood  “Strategic Stability in South Asia

Gu Ziping  “The Political Significance of the CTBT”

Catherine Kelleher:  “Cooperative Security in 21st Century Europe

Martin Ramirez  “Offence vs. Defense in Aggression Research”

Richard L. Garwin  Nuclear Power Does Not Need to Present a Proliferation Risk


12:30 - 14:00      Lunch break in the Dinning Room around the Lecture Hall


14:00 - 16:00     Panel Session 2:  WMD Proliferation and Mechanism to Curb It

Chairman:  Malur Srinivasan


Ye Ruan  “Some Relations on International Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation”

Lewis Dunn  “Strengthening P-5 Non-Proliferation Cooperation”

Zhai Yucheng  “Current Situation and Problems of Sino-US Cooperation on Nonproliferation”

Anupam Srivastava  “Positive Trajectory of China's Export Controls: Strategies to Promote International Cooperation”

Hou Hongyu  “Reviewing the U.S. Nonproliferation Policy”

Wade Huntley  “Nuclear Nonproliferation: Time for New Thinking”


16:00 - 16:15 Tea Break


16:15 - 18:30     Panel Session 2 (Cont.):  WMD Proliferation and Mechanism to Curb It

Chairman:  Thomas Cochran


Duan Zhanyuan  “Challenges to Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime”

Steve Wright  New Border Control Systems in A Time of Terror

Jay Nash  “International Export Controls and WMD Proliferation”

John Rydqvist  Sweden, Iran and North Korea: Comparing Proliferation, Brinkmanship and Decision Making on Nuclear Weapons Programs.”

Shen Dingli  “Comparison of the DPRK and Iran’s Nuclear Issues”

Mark Suh  “Prospect of A Peaceful Solution to the Korean Question”


18:30                Bus transportation for all participants at the entrance of the Lecture Hall to the Asia Gulf Hotel


19:00 - 20:30      Reception in the Asia Gulf Hotel


21:00 -              Bus transportation back to the XNAI for those who stay there


Tuesday, 26 September


07:30 - 8:30      Breakfast in the hotel where you stay


8:40 Sharp        For those who stay in the Asia Gulf Hotel, bus transportation at the entrance of the hotel to the Lecture Hall in Xiamen National Accounting Institute (XNAI)


09:00 - 11:00      Panel Session 3:  Regional Stability and Nuclear Energy Cooperation

Chairman:  Victor Gilinsky


Abdul Hameed Nayyar  South Asia After the US-India Nuclear Deal

Han Hua  “US-Indian Nuclear Agreement and International Nonproliferation Regime”

Malur Srinivasan  “Energy Security and Global Peace”

Zhu Xvhui  “Preliminary Thinking on GNEP, Global Nuclear Energy Partnership”

Joseph F. Pilat  “Nuclear Power and the Risks of Proliferation and Terrorism”


11:00 - 11:15      Tea Break


11:15 - 12:30     Panel Session 4:  Nuclear Weapons: Security Keeper or Destroyer

Chairman:  Ye Ruan


Robert Norris  “New Findings about Chinese Nuclear Weapons”

Bruce Blair  U.S. Nuclear Primacy: A Rebuttal”

Stephen Schwartz  “Sites Unseen:  A Virtual Tour of Past and Present U.S. Nuclear Weapons Installations Using Google Earth


12:30 - 14:00      Lunch break in the Dinning Room around the Lecture Hall


14:00 - 16:00     Panel Session 4 (Cont.):  Nuclear Weapons: Security Keeper or Destroyer

Chairman:  Pan Zhenqiang


Victor Gilinsky  “The Evolution of Nuclear Arsenals since 1945”

Jeffrey Lewis  “Some Issues Relating to the Interaction of US and Chinese Strategic Forces”

Thomas Cochran  China's Nuclear Weapons and U.S. Strategic Policy”

Stephen Schwartz  “The Reliable Replacement Warhead and the Transformation of the U.S. Nuclear Arsenal”

Robert Nelson  “The US Nuclear Stockpile and the Reliable Replacement Warhead Program”


16: 00 - 16: 15    Tea Break


16:15 - 18:30      Panel Session 5:  Nuclear Weapons: Where to Go Further

Chairman:  Najmuddin Shaikh


Takao Takahara  “Disarmament as A Path Towards Security Community”

Masako Ikegami  “The Complex of East Asian Regional Security: Offence vs. Defense in Military Build-Up, Doctrine and Political Rhetoric”

Rappa Maliakal  “Get back to Disarmament”

Qu Changhong  “A Preliminary Analysis on Conventional Long Range Ballistic Missile”

Bruce Blair   “The Conventionalisation of U.S. Strategic Forces” 

Liu Gongliang  “Discussion on Several Basic Concept of Arms Control Verification”


18:30 - 20:00      Buffet in the Dinning Room around the Lecture Hall


20:30                Bus transportation at the entrance of the Lecture Hall to the Asia Gulf Hotel for those who stay in that hotel


Wednesday, 27 September


07:30 - 8:30      Breakfast in the hotel where you stay


     Organized Activities


Thursday, 28 September


07:30 - 8:30      Breakfast in the hotel where you stay


8:40 Sharp        For those who stay in the Asia Gulf Hotel, bus transportation at the entrance of the hotel to the Lecture Hall in Xiamen National Accounting Institute (XNAI)


09:00 - 11:00      Panel Session 6:  Can We Still Have A Stable and Peace Outer Space

Chairman:  Lewis Dunn


David Webb  “The New Space Emperors – In Pursuit of Dominating the Final Frontier?”

Li Daozhong  “The Weaponization Trend of Outer Space and Its Impact on International Landscape”

Joan Johnson-Freese  Building A Stable Security Environment in Space

Qiu Yong  “The Outlook for Preventing Space Weaponization”

Gert Harigel  “Weaponization of Space”

Gregory Kulacki  “Lost in Space: Poor Guidance Makes U.S.–China Cooperation Hard to Navigate”


11:00 - 11:15      Tea Break


11:15 - 12:30     Panel Session 6 (Cont.):  Can We Still Have A Stable and Peace Outer Space

Chairman:  Martin Ramirez


Zhao Yingjun  “The Role of Commercial Satellite Technology in the International Security”

Geoffrey Forden  “Increasing Nuclear Stability with Shared Global Missile Launch Surveillance”

Jia Guanghui  “Space Debris and Safety of Spacecraft”


12:30 - 14:00      Lunch break in the Dinning Room around the Lecture Hall


14:00 - 15:45      Panel Session 7:  Count-Terrorism: A Century’s Challenge

Chairman:  Catherine Kelleher


Francesco Calogero  “The Twin Risks of Nuclear Weapon Proliferation and Nuclear Terrorism”

Wu Jun  “Analysis on the Risk of Nuclear Terrorism and the Protection of Radioactive Materials”

Lester Paldy  “Terrorists, Organized Crime, and Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Growing Threat”

Joseph F. Pilat  “Dealing with Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism Threats: What is the Role of the NPT”


15: 45 - 16: 00    Tea Break


16:00 - 18:30      Panel Session 8 / Closing Session:  Harmony Makes the World Stable and Secure in the New Century

Chairman:  Li Hua


Massimo Mauro  “Recent Trends in Information Operations”

Steve Wright, David Webb  “Towards Unlimited Growth – A False Sense of Security”

Brian Rappert  “The Life Sciences, Biosecurity, and Dual-Use Research: A Proposed Method for Engaging with Scientists”

Houston Hawkins  “Promises and Problems: The Yin Yang of the New Nuclear Age”


18:30                Bus transportation for all participants at the entrance of the Lecture Hall to the Asia Gulf Hotel


19:00 - 20:30      Banquet in the Asia Gulf Hotel


21:00 -              Bus transportation back to the XNAI for those who stay there


Friday, 29 September


07:30 - 8:30      Breakfast in the hotel where you stay


                          Departure from the Seminar and Farewell to All



Important Note: Each speaker in panel sessions will generally have 10-15 minutes for presentation, subject to overall coordination between presentations and discussions by the Chairman of each panel session.