22th ISODARCO Summer Course on:
"Global Climate Changes and Impact on Natural Resources"

20 - 29 June, 2001

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf
Directors of the Course: Ruth Adams, Sabino Palmieri

Candriai 2001 Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers



Sabino Palmieri: Introduction

Climate Change and Coastal Effects, Venice as a Case Study.

Giuseppe R. Casale and Anna Maria Siani
Stratospheric Ozone, UV and Climate Change.

Tanja Cegnar
Thermal Stress and Impacts of Heat Waves.

Michael Edesess
Global Climate Change: International Agreements and Economics.

Loay Froukh
Climatic Change Impacts on the West Bank Groundwater Resources (The Case of Eastern Basin).

Susan Joy Hassol
Climate Change Science, Public Education and Policy.

Henry Kelly
Climate Change: Economic Growth and Sustainable Development Through Advanced Technology.

Gerald E. Marsh
A Global Warming Primer.

Sabino Palmieri, Anna Maria Siani, Giuseppe R. Casale and Daniela Meloni
Climate Fluctuations in the Mediterranean.

Sorin Radulescu
Models for the Global Climate Change.

Maurizio Sciortino
Desertification in the Mediterranean.

Maurizio Severini
Living Systems and Ultraviolet Radiation.

Richard C. J. Somerville
Problems and Prospects for Improving Climate Models

Susan Stonich
The Human Dimensions of Climate Change , the Political Ecology of Vulnerability.

Anthony Turton
The Construction of Knowledge and Implications for the Climate Change Debate: A Perspective from the Developing South.