24thISODARCO Summer Course on:
"Nuclear Weapons in the New International Context: Hopes of Reductions, Risks of Proliferation"

16 - 26 June, 2003

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf
 Directors of the Course: Francesco Calogero and Giancarlo Tenaglia

Candriai 2003 Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers


Bruce D. Larkin:   Designing Denuclearization: Learning from the 1940s and from Recent Experience

Fernando de Souza Barros:   Latin America and Nuclear Issues

Jan Prawitz:   The Middle East as a NWFZ or WMDFZ application

Masako Ikegami-Andersson:   Missile Defence and Nuclear Deterrence in post-Cold War Regional Conflicts


  If you wish to receive any additional information on the subject, please send an E-mail to: isodarco@roma2.infn.it