23rd ISODARCO Summer Course on:
"Cyberwar, Netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs - Real Threats and Virtual Myths"

3 - 13 August, 2002

Director of the School: Carlo Schaerf
Directors of the Course: Gary Chapman and Diego Latella

Trento 2002 Programme List of Participants Contributed Papers


If you click on the name you will find the paper presented at the course

Ralf Bendrath: Civil-Military Relations in the Information Age

Seymour Goodman: International Coordination to Increase the Security of Critical Network

Gert G. Harigel: National Missile Defense: When computers make the impossible become reality?

Massimo Mauro: European Union policy and initiatives in the area of cyberthreats and cybercrime

Mike Moore: Space Cop: America's Coming War with its own Values

Peter G. Neumann: Risks of Computer-Related Technology

Peter G. Neumann: Illustrative Risks to the Public in the Use of Computer Systems and Related Technology

Kevin A. O'Brien: Cyber-Intelligence for Threath-Profiling of Sub-State Actors in the Information Age

Kevin A. O'Brien: Information Operations and the Kosovo Conflict

Eric Roberts: What Makes Software Difficult?

Eric Roberts: PrivateThoughts

Vitaly Tsygichko: Cyber Weapons as a new means of Combat. Classification of Cyber Weapons

Vitaly Tsygichko: Cyber Weapons and How they Transform the Entire Traditional Paradigm of Warfare

Moshe Y. Vardi: The Information Revolution: Reality or Hype? Plus Integration.

Cindy Williams: Can We Afford a Revolution in Military Affairs?

  If you wish to receive any additional information on the subject, please send an E-mail to: isodarco@roma2.infn.it