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Last ISODARCO Publications

cover Arms Control Arms Control and Disarmament.
50 Years of Experience in Nuclear Education
Edited by Paolo Foradori, Giampiero Giacomello, Alessandro Pascolini

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© 2018 – Palgrave Macmillan
371 pages
About the Book
This volume is a collection of contributions by world-leading experts in the nuclear field who participated in the educational activities of the International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO). It features some of most prominent scholars and practitioners who contributed in fundamental ways to shaping policies, strategies, theories, scholarly studies, and debates in the field of non-proliferation and disarmament. On the occasion of ISODARCO's 50th anniversary this book revisits a selection of contributions that capture the pressing issues during the five decades of continuous engagement in disarmament and non-proliferation education.
Table of Contents
List of acronyms; Notes on Contributors; Introduction, Paolo Foradori, Giampiero Giacomello, Alessandro Pascolini.
Introduction to Part I - 1 Technological Aspects of World Security, Bernard T. Feld; 2 Anti-ballistic Missiles, Francesco Calogero; 3 International Relations and Game Theory, Anatol Rapoport; 4 The Origins of MIRV, Herbert F. York; 5 The Importance of Agreements, Thomas Schelling; 6 The Fallacy of Thinking Conventionally about Nuclear Weapons, Hans J. Morgenthau; 7 Strategic Arms Limitation and Military Strategic Concepts, Michail A. Milstein.
Introduction to Part II - 8 Radiation Hazards in Fission Fuel Cycles, Joseph Rotblat; 9 The Dilemma of European Theatre Nuclear Arms Control, Lawrence Freedman; 10 Nuclear Arms Control: Obstacles to Agreement, George Bunn; 11 International Systemic Features Inhibiting Disarmament and Arms Control, David Carlton; 12 The Problem of the Nuclear First-Use Option, Cui Liru; 13 The Problem of Extended Deterrence in NATO, Jane M. O. Sharp; 14 Minimum Deterrence and International Security, Richard H. Ullman.
Introduction to Part III - 15 Weapons on Earth and in Space: Global Security in the New International Situation, Richard L. Garwin; 16 The Non-Proliferation Treaty and the German Choice Not to Proliferate, Harald Müller; 17 US-Russian Cooperation on Fissile Material Security and Disposition, Frank von Hippel and Oleg Bukharin; 18 The New Verification Game and Technologies at our Disposal, Patricia Lewis; 19 Nuclear Deterrence, Disarmament, and Non-Proliferation, Alexei G. Arbatov; 20 Nuclear Abolition or Nuclear Umbrella? Choices and Contradictions in United States Proposals, Matthew Evangelista; Conclusion: ISODARCO as an Epistemic Community, Paolo Foradori, Giampiero Giacomello, Alessandro Pascolini; Afterword. Historical notes on ISODARCO, Carlo Schaerf.
Selected Bibliography

cover Contemporary Terror Contemporary Terror
Studies in Sub-State Violence
Edited by David Carlton, Carlo Schaerf

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© 2015 – Routledge
232 pages
About the Book
First published in 1981, this book contains papers on terrorism, presented to the International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO). The subject is a complex one as 'one man's terrorist is another man's freedom-fighter'. No simple solution exists to the threat to domestic and international stability posed by the increased use of violence employed by various politically-motivated groups, challenging the authority of sovereign states.
Many of the world’s leading authorities on terrorism and sub-state violence are among the contributors here, including J. Bowyer Bell, Jillian Becker, and Alessandro Silj, and participants come from a wide range of countries and professions. This book will be of interest to students of conflict and international relations, as well as policy-makers at many levels, and the general public in many countries.
Seventh Isodarco Summer Course, Ariccia (It), August 18-27, 1978.

Table of Contents
Preface; Notes on Contributors; List of Course Participants.
1. Summary of Discussions William F. Gutteridge; 2. An Overview J. Bowyer Bell; 3. Nuclear Violence at the Non-Governmental Level Bernard T. Feld ; 4. The Media and Terrorism Yonah Alexander; 5. Chinese and Soviet Attitudes towards Sub-State Violence in the UN Context Werner Pfeifenberger; 6. Hostage-Taking: a Conceptual Overview Clive C. Aston ; 7. The Future of Political Sub-State Violence David Carlton; 8. Case Study I: Federal Germany Jillian Becker; 9. Case Study II: Italy Alessandro Silj; 10. Case Study III: The Ulster Spectrum Frank Wright; 11. Case Study IV: The Irish Republican Army J. Bowyer Bell. Index

cover International Terrorism International Terrorism and World Security (RLE: Terrorism & Insurgency)
Edited by David Carlton, Carlo Schaerf

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© 2015 – Routledge
338 pages
About the Book
When originally published in 1975 this was the first book to bring together in one volume some of the most thoughtful work by British academics and specialists studying the political violence and terrorism which had recently challenged Britain and other Western democracies. Four chapters consider the strategy and tactics of the IRA and the problems of the Northern Ireland conflict. Other articles discuss the phenomena of international terrorism.
Essential reading for courses on political violence, revolution war and strategic studies, this volume will also be of relevance for training course in military and police staff colleges.
Fifth Isodarco Summer Course, Urbino (It), August 12-24, 1974.

Table of Contents
Preface; Summary of Proceedings: Our Violent Future J. Henk Leurdijk;
Part One: International Terrorism. 1.International Terrorism: A New Mode of Conflict Brian M. Jenkins; 2.Definitions of Terrorism Gaston Bouthoul; 3.Measures Against International Terrorism Steven J. Rosen and Robert Frank; 4.Legal Aspects of Terrorism George Sliwowski; 5.Revolutionary Organisations: Special Cases and Imperfect Models J. Bowyer Bell; 6.The Role of International Terrorism in the Middle East Conflict and its Implication for Conflict Resolution Daniel Heradstveit.
Part Two: The Arms Race. 7.An Outline History of Nuclear Proliferation Herbert F. York; 8.Plowshare, Proliferation, and the N+1 Country Thomas Blau; 9.Nuclear Energy – Fact Versus Myth Bernard T. Feld; 10.Fuelling the Western World’s Reactors: Problems and Issues Victor Gilinsky; 11.National Security and the Arms Race L. J. Dumas; 12.Unilateral Disarmament Re­Examined Tom Stonier.
Part Three: European and Middle East Security. 13.The Political Aspects of European Security Pierre Hassner; 14.The Military Balance between East and West in Europe Nino Pasti; 15.Consulations in Nato During and After the October War Thomas Blau; 16.Arms Control in the Mediterranean and European Security Ciro E. Zoppo; 17.The British Independent Nuclear Deterrent and the Future of European Security David Carlton;
Part Four: Peace Teaching and the Study of Conflict. 18.Peace Education: A Sceptic’s View Michael Nicholson; 19.An Educational Strategy for Arms Control John H. Barton; Michael Nicholson; 20. Tolerance of Ambiguity in International Bargaining Lillian Davis. Contributors; List of Participants.

cover Security in Cyberspace Security in Cyberspace
Targeting Nations, Infrastructures, Individuals
Edited by: Giampiero Giacomello

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© 2014 – Bloomsbury Academic
256 pages
About the Book
Today, the Internet has become a source of information that no country or company can forgo. It is not only used to communicate or entertain, but most importantly to operate utilities and public services such as banking or air traffic. As the reliance on computer networks across societies and economies keeps growing, so do security risks in cyberspace - referred to as "cybersecurity."
Cybersecurity means protecting information and control systems from those who seek to compromise them. It also involves actors, both malicious or protective, policies and their societal consequences. This collection of essays provides a better understanding of the risks, perceptions, and myths that surround cybersecurity by looking at it from three different levels of analysis: the sovereign state, the infrastructure and stakeholders of the Internet, and the individual. The essays explore such issues as information ownership, censorship, cyberwars, cyberterrorism, privacy, and rebellion, bringing together expert knowledge from computer science and the social sciences with case studies. It reviews existing policies and practices and discusses the threats and benefits of living in an increasingly networked world. This authoritative analysis of one of the most controversial and compelling security debates of the twenty-first century will appeal to scholars and practitioners interested in security, international relations and policymaking.

Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations; List of Figures and Tables; Acknowledgments. Foreword Carlo Schaerf. List of Contributors. Introduction – Security in Cybersapce Giampiero Giacomello.
Part One: The Nation. Chapter 1: The 'State(s)' of Cybersecurity Rossella Mattioli; Chapter 2: Reducing Uncertainties in Cyberspace through Confidence and Capacity Building Measures Patryk Pawlak; Chapter 3: Wikileaks and Cyberspace Judith Reppy; Chapter 4: Leaks: Securing Communications and Achieving Nuclear Zero Bruce Larkin; Chapter 5: Establishing Norms of Behavior in Cyberspace: The Chinese Viewpoint Chunmei Kang;
Part Two: The Infrastructure and The Individual. Chapter 6: Einstein on the Breach: Surveillance Technology, Cybersecurity and Organizational Change Milton Mueller and Andreas Kuehn; Chapter 7: Artificial or 'Legitimate' Barriers to Internet Governance? Francesco Giacomini and Laura Cordani; Chapter 8: Public-Private Partnerships: A 'Soft' Approach to Cybersecurity? Views from the European Union Maria Grazia Porcedda; Chapter 9: Targeting One's Ideal Audience: Self-Presentation Practices among Extreme Nationalists on Social Networks Andra Siibak; Bibliography; Index.

Cover Getting to zero Catherine M. Kelleher and Judith Reppy Getting to Zero
The Path to Nuclear Disarmament
Edited by: Catherine M. Kelleher and Judith Reppy

Link to the book
© 2011 – Stanford University Press
432 pages
About the Book
President Obama's steps toward nuclear disarmament have so far been "more expectable than revolutionary, but they do emphasize renewed American leadership," according to a new book co-edited by long-time ISODARCO participants Catherine McArdle Kelleher of Brown University and the University of Maryland, and Judith V. Reppy of Cornell University. Getting to Zero: The Path to Nuclear Disarmament (Stanford University Press, 2011) takes on the much-debated goal of nuclear zero - exploring the serious policy questions raised by nuclear disarmament and suggesting practical steps for the nuclear weapon states to take to achieve it. The book documents the successes and failures of six decades of attempts to control nuclear weapons proliferation and asks the urgent questions about what else world leaders, politicians, non-government organizations, and scholars must address if nuclear zero is to be a real policy goal.
Published in hard and paperback versions and in e-book format, the collection emerged from a series of conversations and exchanges that took place under the Carnegie Corporation project "Dialogue among Americans, Russians, and Europeans" (DARE), which in turn influenced several ISODARCO programs led by Reppy and Kelleher. To cite only a few of the familiar ISODARCO lecturers included in Getting to Zero, there are articles by Alexei Arbatov, Nadia Arbatova, Marco DeAndreis, Matthew Evangelista, Venance Journe, and Jeffrey Lewis, as well as by Kelleher and Reppy themselves.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Foreword by William Perry; Introduction Catherine McArdle Kelleher.
How We Got to Where We Are. The Vision of a World Free of Nuclear Weapons David Holloway; Advocacy for Nuclear Disarmament: A Global Revival? Randy Rydell; Is a World without Nuclear Weapons Attainable? Comparative Perspectives on Goals and Prospects Golz Neuneck.
Past Decisions, Future Perspectives. The U.S. Nuclear Arsenal and Zero: Sizing and Planning for Use-Past, Present, and Future Lynn Eden; Nuclear Deterrence, Disarmament, and Nonproliferation Alexei G. Arbatv; British Thinking on Nuclear Weapons Ian Anthony; France's Nuclear Stance: Independence, Unilateralism, and Adaptation Venance Journé; Challenges for U.S.-China Strategic Stability in the Obama Administration Jeffrey Lewis;
Regional Consequences. Europe, Nuclear Disarmament, and Nonproliferation: What Next? Nadia Alexandrova-Arbatova; Israel's Nuclear Future: Iran, Opacity, and the Vision of Global Zero AvnerCohen; Iran Policy on the Way to Zero Jill Marie Lewis with Laicie Olson; India and Nuclear Zero Waheguru Pai Singh Sidhu; Issues and Constraints; Fissile Materials and Disarmament: Long-term Goals, Short-term Steps James M. Acton; Nuclear Zero at the Weapons Laboratories Judith Reppy; Is the Civil Nuclear Industry Relevant to Nuclear Disarmament? Marco De Andreis and Simon Moore; Nuclear Abolition or Nuclear Umbrella? Choices and Contradictions in U.S. Proposals Matthew Evangelista; American Conventional Superiority: The Balancing Act Dennis M. Gormley; What Next?; Steps toward a World Free of Nuclear Weapons David Holloway; Practical Steps toward Nuclear Zero Peler Dombrawski; Contributor Biographies. Index.


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