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International School on Disarmament
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ISODARCO Reading Material

  Title Author(s) Publisher Date
(Cyber) Security Cyberwar, Netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs Halpin, E., Trevorrow, P., Webb, D., Wright, S. Palgrave Macmillan UK 2006
Report and Recommendations of The President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies Richard A. Clarke, Michael J. Morell, Geoffrey R. Stone, Cass R. Sunstein, Peter Swire The White House 12 Dec. 2013
NATIONAL STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR CYBERSPACE SECURITY Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presidency of the Council of Ministers Dec. 2013
THE NATIONAL PLAN FOR CYBERSPACE PROTECTION AND ICT SECURITY Presidency of the Council of Ministers Presidency of the Council of Ministers Dec. 2013
Cyberspace Operations Dept. of the Navy - Dept. of the Air Force US Joint Chiefs of Staff 5 Feb. 2013
Introduction to Cyber-Warfare. A Multidisciplinary Approach Paulo Shakarian, Jana Shakarian and Andrew Ruef Elsevier 2013
Remarks by the President on Review of Signals Intelligence The White House The White House 17 Jan. 2014
New cyber doctrine shows more offense, transparency Sean Lyngaas FCW - 24 Oct. 2014
CYBERSECURITY AND CYBERWAR. What everyone needs to know P.W. Singer - A. Friedman. Oxford University Press 2014
Security in Cyberspace - Targeting Nations, Infrastructures, Individuals G. Giacomello. Bloomsbury Academic 2014
The DOD Cyber Strategy DOD DOD Apr. 2015
UNIDIR Cyber Stability Seminar 2015: Regime Coherence UNIDIR Seminar Report , Geneva, Switzerland 9 July 2015
Cyber Security at Civil NuclearFacilities: Understanding the Risks UNIDIR UNIDIR Oct. 2015
Proliferation of WMD and Defending against CBRN Threats - NATO's Achievements and Ongoing Challenges Wolfgang Rudischhauser Sicherheitstechnischer-Report-October 2015
Trident is old technology: the brave new world of cyber warfare Julian Borger The Guardian 16 Jun. 2016
Guidelines for a National Cyber Strategy Gabi Siboni , Ofer Assaf Memorandum No. 153 Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies Mar. 2016
Could ISIL go nuclear? Wolfgang Rudischhauser NATO Review 2016
Proliferation of WMD and Defending against CBRN Threats - NATO's Achievements and Ongoing Challenges Wolfgang Rudischhauser European-Security-and-Defence-june 2016
Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems Autonomous Weapons S. Chen, T. Hsieh, J. Kung, V. Beffa Stanford University Student's project at E. Roberts' course: CS 181: Computers, Ethics, and Public Policy 1996
Framing Discussions on the Weaponization of Increasingly Autonomous Technologies UNIDIR UNIDIR 2014
The Weaponization of Increasingly Autonomous Technologies: Considering Ethics and Social Values UNIDIR UNIDIR 2014
The Weaponization of Increasingly Autonomous Technologies: Considering how Meaningful Human Control might move the discussion forward UNIDIR UNIDIR 2014
Lethal Autonomous Systems and the Future of Warfare Daniel Sukman Canadian Military Journal (CMJ) Vol 16 No 1 Winter 2015
Background - Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems UNOG UNOG 06 Oct. 2016
Global Security Initiative Arizona State dataset Chris Perkins Global Security Initiative - Arizona State University (USA) 28 Sept. 2016
Military AI Arms and Artificial Intelligence A. Din SIPRI Monographs - Oxford University Press 1987
Computers in Battle, Will They Work?: Will They Work? D. Bellin, G. Chapman Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1987
Arms Control Nanotechnology and Preventive Arms Control J. Altmann German Foundation for Peace Research 2005
Military Nanotechnology: Potential Applications and Preventive Arms Control J. Altmann Routledge 2006
Re-thinking the Unthinkable: Arms Control in the Twenty-First Century Nancy W. Gallagher The Nonproliferation Review, 22:3-4, 469-498 2015
Year End Blues Nancy W. Gallagher The Nonproliferation Review, 22:3-4, 469-498 2016
A Negotiation on Cyber Warfare C. Trezza to be published by SPRINGER: THE IMPACT OF CYBERSPACE 2017
Ethics Arms Control for Armed Uninhabited Vehicles – An Ethical Issue J. Altmann Ethics and Information Technology 2013
Autonomous Weapons Systems. Humanising or Dehumanising Warfare? Frank Sauer sef: Global Governance Spotlight April 2014
The Ethics of Autonomous Weapons Systems CENTER FOR ETHICS & THE RULE OF LAW Penn Law CENTER FOR ETHICS & THE RULE OF LAW Penn Law 21 Nov. 2014
The Convergence of Deontological and Consequentialist Reasons for Banning Autonomous Weapons Systems Daniele Amoroso & Guglielmo Tamburrini Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II 12 Oct. 2016
On Banning Autonomous Weapons Systems: From Deontological to Wide Consequentialist Reasons Guglielmo Tamburrini Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107- 15356-1, pp. 122-142 2016
Speed Kills: Why we Need to Hit the Brakes on “Killer Robots” Juergen Altmann and Frank Sauer duckofminerva 2016